When you want fast cash for your unwanted car, you often don’t have many options. Typically, advertising the vehicle for sale and finding an owner takes time. Fortunately for car owners that want a fast sale and fast cash, there is a solution. Car removals companies like Paul Car Removal offer same day car removals that pay instant cash. Sound like it must be the cheapest way in history to sell your vehicle? It is not. We pay up to $9999 cash on all unwanted cars. Take a look at how it works.
How Cash for Cars Sydney Works
Not all car removal companies will operate the same way, but most will. Car removals companies:
- Make instant cash offers over the phone or online.
- Pay instant cash on vehicles they come to remove.
- Will offer free car removals.
The services are professional; that is, as long as you ensure you are dealing with a professional.
How to Choose a Car Removal Company
There are a few things to look for when choosing a car removal company:
- The company should have their physical address and phone number listed on their site.
- The company should disclose all their services on their site.
- The company should offer instant cash payments that are paid at the time they remove the vehicle. Do not accept “The cheque will be in the mail”.
- The company should NEVER charge for towing. Their car removals should be free to all local areas.
- The company should provide information that is easy to understand.
- The company should provide all the necessary paperwork to make the sale legal.
With a little research, you can find the best car removal company for you.
How Do You Research Car Removal Companies?
The Internet is the best place to research car removal companies in your local area.
Contact Us Today
For the best in car removal services, contact Paul Car Removal. We buy all makes and models of cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, utes, 4WDs and bikes of any age and condition. We pay up to $9999 instant cash and offer all the conveniences that you’ll only find in a professional car buyer.
Get a cash quote on your unwanted vehicle by calling us at the number below.
Call us 0466 879 131
Complete our “Get a Quote“ form located at the top right of this page
It’s so important to use an approved auto recycler to dispose of your vehicle through recycling and safe handling of hazardous waste. The team at Paul Car Removal know their stuff and has all of Sydney covered. Here is why auto recycling is so important.
Recycling Parts
When a car removal service gets its hands on an unwanted vehicle its first port of call is to remove and resell any reusable parts. Just because the car itself is damaged or no longer roadworthy doesn’t render it completely useless. You’ll find many parts are in perfect working condition and can be used to fix other cars. If you are repairing a car, buy from a wrecking yard at a discounted price for a great quality product.
Reduce the Need for Manufacturing New Parts
Creating new car parts requires a lot of energy and resources. In addition to this it generates waste and air pollution. Selling your car to a car removal service reduces the amount of new parts required. Purchasing these parts from the junkyard also benefits the environment in the same way. Auto recycling plays a significant part in minimizing the pollution created by manufacturing auto parts.
Eco-friendly Processes
It’s environmentally friendly to re-use the parts and materials, however, some bits and substances can’t be re-used. There are eco-friendly processes in place to handle this waste. This is why a car removal service which is also an auto wrecker has to have the correct licensing to operate. Auto recycling ensures that waste is disposed of in an eco-friendly way. This saves the environment from pollution caused by discarded vehicles.
Readily Available
When you need to replace a part on your car you may need to wait whilst a brand new part is ordered in. If you get in touch with your local auto recycler they can let you know straight away if they have the part and you can purchase it as soon as you like. There’s also the added advantage of it being cheaper than the brand new option.
It’s wise to recycle your unwanted vehicle as parts can be reused minimizing the need for manufacturing new parts which is detrimental to the environment. Auto wreckers follow environmentally friendly procedures when handling scrap cars. An added benefit is that a part you may require may be readily available at a junk yard whereas a new part may need to be ordered in. Contact Paul Car Removal for a hassle-free option to recycle your old car.